Death Road on bike: From 4700 meters to 1600 meters

Everything is fine

The Death Road is the previous main road between the Altiplano and the Amazonian jungle. Made of earth, narrow, wet, everything for creating a dangerous road. Many accidents occurred for the condition reasons or for the craziness of the Bolivian drivers. Now, a newly paved road replaces this old one.

The top

The wonderful view at 4700 meters high
The wonderful view at 4700 meters high

The initial part started on the newly paved road for the first hour. On this paved road, we could enjoy the speed and the beauty of the landscapes. Quite funny, we passed some controls, but not common controls, drug controls. Cocaine is a big problem here. As the coca leaves are produced down inside the jungle, the road is an interesting communication for exporting it.

Let's go and ride!
Let’s go and ride!

The official death road into the jungle

End of the paved road, we entered on the death road
End of the paved road, we entered on the death road

After the relaxing part, now we continued on earth. Although the road is narrow for cars and buses, it was comfortable for mountain bikes. Even, the wet road made it funnier.

Overview of the jungle
Overview of the jungle
Easy, the foot in the drop
Easy, the foot in the drop

The zipline

Ready to jump
Ready to jump

A zipline has been installed recently. I did it in the superman position, head ahead. The sensation of flying was worth doing it!

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