Fruits, vegetables and herbs I tasted in South America

Many potatoes in the central market in Cochabamba

Fruits Babaco Chirimoya Anón Guanabana Tuna Lulo (Colombia) or Naranjilla (Ecuador) Açaï Zapote Nispero Tumbo (In Bolivia or Curuba in Colombia and Taxo in Ecuador) Borojo Feijoa Granada Granadilla Tomate de Arbol Pitahaya or Pitaya Guayaba Carambola Tamarindo Chontaduro  Mamón Madroñero Vegetables Chayote Pin du Paraná Choclo Maxixe (Concombre des Antilles) Arrancacha Pepino Yuca Herbs […]


A street in Getsemani district

Cartagena The first impression when I arrived was about the temperature. It was humid and hot. Also, the atmosphere changed completely. People were more relaxed the day and more crazy the night. The next day, we visited the city. Hopefully, some clouds protected us against a very hot day. The city was very colonial and […]

Paramo de Oceta

Paramo de Oceta

The fantastic Paramo de Oceta We left the city of Mongui early in the morning in order to avoid the bad weather as the guides recommended us. If the beginning was alright, we ended under a strong rain all time long. The Paramo de Oceta is located above 3,700 meters high, almost 1,000 meters higher […]

Canos cristales

Canos cristales

Canos Cristales – red seaweeds in the water A tough and expensive journey for a mitigated result The challenge to get there We didn’t want to take a bus to get there. The reason is that it took more than 10 hours on an earth road full of potholes in a small micro bus. Thus, […]

Desierto de Tatacoa

Desierto de Tatacoa

After a day journey in different buses from San Agustin, we reached Villavieja. The last town before the Tatacoa desert. Actually, this is not a real desert, but a dry tropical jungle. Although water is rare and temperature is high, there are birds and vegetation. The day after, we visited the two parts: one with […]