Tupiza on red rocks

Red mountains around Tupiza

Arriving late

I left Sucre in the morning, early. My first bus took me until Potosi, where I changed midday for another bus. This second and last bus drove me until Tupiza. The second bus is almost 2 times longer than the first one: 5 hours. Hopefully, the landscapes are really beautiful. This will be only a small taste of what t I will see in the further tour.

Around 6pm, I reached the terminal of Tupiza. The night is coming, all the lights are already switched on. I wanted to hurry, my goal was to check the agencies for finding a tour starting tomorrow if possible. A woman, rather small, is waiting with her 2 young girls. She saw my distress and asked me if I am looking for a hostel. As I said yes, she showed me the hostel. Actually, she is the owner of an agency and there is a hostel above the agency.

Finally, I found a hostel rather quickly. Nevertheless, I did some of the agencies very renowned in the town, no one has vacancy for tomorrow. Thus, I stayed until Wednesday, 2 days after.


As I got a free day with no plan, I accepted immediately the recommendation of the hostel’s owner. Doing a trekking around Tupiza. I choose to reach the Inca Canyon (Canon del Inca).

Puerta del Diablo
Puerta del Diablo

As I follow a map given by the owner, leaving from the South of the city seemed the better way. After looking for 30 minutes the path that really leaves the city, I can start the walk. Unfortunately, what I didn’t see on the map are the waste. During 1 km, the path was going through a red rock landscapes covered by waste. This was not attracted. Thankfully, after this, the track was back to the normality and I could appreciate the walk.

Valle de los Machos
Valle de los Machos

My first point is the Devil’s Gate (Puerta del Diablo) after 5 kms of walking. Nice double rocks that look as an impressive gate. On one of the wall, I saw: “Erick te amo”. Yes, I have suitor as far as in the countryside of Bolivia!

Canon del Inca
Canon del Inca

Just 1 km after, I saw the Male’s Valley (Valle de los Machos). The name comes probably from the shape of the rocks. A field of dressed penis. Only 3 kms after, walking on a tighter track, I arrived at my goal: Inca Canyon. It was possible to climb the rocks and continued inside the canyon. However, with no motivation and being hungry, I preferred to return.

My friends the goat
My friends the goat

On my way back, I saw a goat breeder. It looked quite complicated to control all the goats extending over half a kilometer. For the goats, they have invented a communication system. When one goat is yelling, the other ones are yelling it in order to propagate it! While going back, I tried another track. This one went around the waste and ended on the train track. Now I remembered, exactly what the owner told me.

Strange things

I just want to share with you 2 anecdotes during this 2 nights stay:

  • I met a pigeon in the bathroom
  • The owner of the hostel went back (really) drunk one night and I asked her a mug of hot water, such a bad idea!


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