Adventure on top of the mountains: Trekking Cruce Sierra de Marquesado in San Juan

The crest of a mountain with a valley on both side of the mountain.

Ready to discover the region of San Juan with a trek crossing from one valley to another one. It is among my best treks mainly for two reasons: the variety of the landscapes and the adventurous side of the track.

Trekking Cruce Sierra de Marquesado

The walk

The crest of the mountain crossing two valleys.
Panorama of the typical view from the crest

The trekking Cruce Sierra de Marquesado is a path on the crest of the mountain that links two valleys. The track with around 11 kilometers is done in around 5/6 hours without break. During the walk, you delight many different landscapes: vineyard, lake, desert, mountains…

Map of the Trekking Cruce Sierra de Marquesado
Map of the Trekking Cruce Sierra de Marquesado [In RED]

First, you will climb quickly to the crest. After, you stay on the crest for most of the time, where the track goes up and down regularly. Finally, at the end, you go down quickly.

Vineyard landscape
Let’s start climbing!

The climbing part is a bit tough at some part and the track is tiny on the top. Thus, I do not recommend it for people with vertigo. Beyond, if you are looking for adventure, the trek is for you.

Climbing over the camping

The beginning of the trek is behind the camping Rivadavia. You start with some stairs that lead to a view point close to a cross. You can walk around on the main track if you are curious. There are many caves and even a dam! Don’t ask me why as where is no water. Actually, it is a desert.

Mountain behind a cross
You need to reach the top of the mountain behind the cross.

After the cross, you get out of the main track and you start to follow a tinier track.At some part, you will go over steep rocks. The rocks look more complicated that they are. Generally, it is like stairs and easy to find holds for the hands. Don’t hesitate to use them!

Steep rocks for going to the top of the mountain
The hard climbing at the beginning

Once you reach the top of the mountain, the toughest part is behind. The track to follow is easy to see. So, just enjoy the place.

After reaching the top, there is a path on the crest
Finally, on the top, let’s enjoy

Ride on the crest of the mountain

Mountain and two valleys
Another amazing view

Just follow the track that is very visible.

The mountains under dark clouds with a bird in the sky
Mountains, birds, storm and me

Keep an eye to the sky in order to see some birds. With insects, it was the only animals I saw. The mountain is desert and steep so the conditions are not good. However, there are plenty of cacti.

Crest of the mountain in trekking Cruce Sierra de Marquesado
Mountain crest from the Tres Marias side

Last part of the trek on the Tres Marias mountains

View of the lake from the top with cactus.
Beginning of the lake Tres Marias

The last summit you cross is called Tres Marias. This place is more famous, so you will probably meet more tourists. You have a nice view of the lake and the desert behind. After, the track goes down to the valley.

A lake surrounded by the mountains
Final part of the lake Tres Marias

You end at a place called El Castillito. It is a small shop where you can buy drink and food. Near the shop, there are a parking and the bus stop.

Prepare your walk

Going with the public bus

View of San Juan and the region around from the mountain Sierra de Marquesado.
View of San Juan and the region around from the mountain Sierra de Marquesado.

Camping Rivadavia (South)

Take the bus 23 close to the bus terminal of San Juan. It costs around 30AR$ and takes 1 hour.

El Castillito (North)

Take the bus 29 that leads also close to the San Juan terminal. Same price and same duration more or less.

Being careful

There are arrows to show the path.
If you are lost follow the signs!

Just a list of good tips:

  • The region is really hot in summer so verify the weather (Up to 40°C)
  • Also, the sun is strong, take a cap and sun cream. Even with sun cream power 50 and some clouds, I got burned.
  • Take a lot of water
  • Watch also that no storm is planned, being blocked over there is not recommended as you can’t take refuge somewhere.
  • Follow the official path and watch the arrows so you will always take the easiest path and avoid risk.

Trekking San Juan: Cruce Sierra de Marquesado

More trekking in San Juan

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