Toro Toro: In the footsteps of Dinosaurs

View of the Toro Toro National Park

Toro Toro City

The main square with a big dinosaur
The main square with a big dinosaur

The city of Toro Toro was located 5 hours bus ride from the main city Cochabamba. The city was very small and simple, they got electricity 10 years ago. Still now, lots of people are doing the laundry in the river. As an anecdote, I found only one washing machine in the town.

The trekking team
The trekking team

During the 3 days I spent there, I stayed with a French guy and a French couple, it was a fun and motivated group.

Relaxing with local cocktails
Relaxing with local cocktails

After each difficult day (:D), we relaxed in a bar with cocktails made of the local alcohol of Bolivia: Singani.

Day 1: A tour into the canyon

Our first dinosaurs footsteps
Our first dinosaurs footsteps

This walk went to the canyon that is 270 meters high. We came from the top, went down, walk a bit to a waterfall and climbed to the top again.

Inside the canyon
Inside the canyon
Even bigger footsteps
Even bigger footsteps

Those footsteps are from a dinosaur with a long neck with more than 10 tons.

Overview of the canyon
Overview of the canyon

Day 2:  From the top mountain to the deep cave

On the mountains at 3400 meters high

View from the top
View from the top

While the town is located around 1800 meters high, we took a car to go on the top of the mountains at 3400 meters high. The view was astomishing.

The funny story of the robber
The funny story of the robber

A few years ago, a robber raged in the region. He was robbing cows and other animals from the farmers. After a while, the police discovered that he put all the loot inside this natural enclosure.

This is a turtle
This is a turtle

We saw many nice rock formations during the walk.

This is an elephant
This is an elephant
This is not a penis
This is not a penis

In some parts of the trek, we go through small cracks in the rocks, nice experience.

Doing the monkey between the rocks
Doing the monkey between the rocks

Potholing into a cave down to 120 meters under the ground

During the afternoon, we went down again at 2400 meters high. Here, we did potholing in a cave. We did a loop, that went down up to 120 meters under the ground.

Entrance of the cave
Entrance of the cave

The entrance was very huge, but after inside the cave, some ways were tight. So tight, that we needed to crawl.

We are going down into the mouth of the Earth
We are going down into the mouth of the Earth

Inside the cave, nice formations have been created with the water falling down. There were a Mexican hat, a Christmas tree… Unfortunately, most of the stalactites were cut. This broke the charm of the cave. The reason is that before the cave was not protected and many robbers stole it. The guide told us it was tourists, but since the frequentation of the park is very low and all the stalactites were cut, it looked more like an industrial theft.

Potholing is fun!
Potholing is fun!

Day 3: Off the road

Overview of the valley, on both side the tectonic plates
Overview of the valley, on both side the tectonic plates

The last day, we went to the turtle park. Many fossils of turtles have been found there. Nevertheless, as the park is poor and lacks specialists, nothing is protected. Day to day, fossils get deteriorated by the time and nature. I hope they will be able to improve it in a close future in order to protect the legacy. On the way back, we did some off-road in order to enjoy the landscapes.

Cochabamba market

Potatoes stand in Cochabamba market
Potatoes stand in Cochabamba market

When I returned from Toro Toro, I waited for my next bus a few hours in Cochabamba. As the market was close, I visited it. It was the biggest market, I ever did. From the middle, you can’t see any extremities. However, it wasn’t the best. I found it too disorganized.

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