Discovering San Juan region between vineyards and mountains

View of San Juan and the region around from the mountain Sierra de Marquesado.

San Juan located 200 kms from Mendoza. Beyond the similarities with Mendoza due to the proximity, the region of San Juan has its own particularities. Many mountains and vineyard to discover that create incredible landscapes.

Discovering San Juan region

You can reach San Juan from Mendoza with a bus that costs 185AR$ and takes 2h30.

Feeling about the city of San Juan

The city of San Juan reminds me a lot Mendoza with some tiny differences. Firstly, the city is smaller and also less crowded. Secondly, the city is also in a desert. Thus, it is hot even hotter than in Mendoza. Finally, “La Siesta”, that means the nap, is also a tradition in San Juan. Like in Mendoza, everything is closed between 1pm to 5pm. Actually, sometimes I felt more until 7pm. Quite crazy!

Tasting in the San Juan road of wine

A bodega behind a vineyard in italian style.
The winery Del Estero

San Juan is a famous wine region. Although smaller than the one in Mendoza, you have a lot of choices. While not having a car, I only did wineries close to the city and reachable by public bus. More details about that wine tour in another article (soon).

Trekking over Sierra de Marquesado

The crest of a mountain with a valley on both side of the mountain.
The trek on top of the mountain

San Juan is surrounded by many hills where you can trek and see the valley. I choose the Sierra de Marquesado that goes from one valley to another one. All time long, I stayed on the top of the hill with an amazing view on both sides. Among my best trek I ever did, a great mix of beauty and adventure. Follow my adventure in this article (soon).

Going to the Ischigualasto park

A giant rock that looks like a mushroom in front of red mountains and the moon.
The famous mushroom rock in the Ischigualasto Park

Ischigualasto park is a national park in the region with astonishing landscapes that reminds the moon. The particularity of the park is that within a few kilometers you cross many different millions-years-old landscapes. The park is still quite far from San Juan so I recommend to stay in Villa San Agustin. More information and pictures in this article (soon).

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