San Agustin – The archaeological park and the coffee farm

A statue in San Agustin archaeological park

The archaeological park

A statue in San Agustin archaeological park
A statue in San Agustin archaeological park

In this park lived a civilization 2000 years ago. Scientists have not a lot of information about them except that they built a lot of huge statues.

The huge statue!
The huge statue!

The statues were very impressive due to the size and the variety of forms.

A table of statues
A table of statues
Statues on top of a hill
Statues on top of a hill

Although, that Guillaume and I enjoyed a lot the park and the statues. We visited only one part of the park. We were afraid of being tired of seeing again so many statues the second day.

View from the hill
View from the hill

The coffee farm: Cafe Mujer

We visited the farm the last morning before we left. Since we had not a lot of time we only saw the coffee plant and focused more on how to transform the beans. Here the main steps, we have discovered, watched and sometimes did ourselves.

The coffee on the plant
The coffee on the plant
After removing the skin around the beans, the beans are laid down for drying
After removing the skin around the beans, the beans are laid down for drying
Next, the thin skin is removed with the machine
Next, the thin skin is removed with the machine
Manual technique for separating the thin skins and the beans
Manual technique for separating the thin skins and the beans



Roasting time !
Roasting time!
Coffee is ready and smells good
Coffee is ready and smells good
After grinding the coffee, we tasted it
After grinding the coffee, we tasted it

The lady that owns the farm was very gently and did an amazing visit. We learned a lot thanks to her information and the practical side. Finally, the tasting was astonishing.

A coca tree also inside the farm
A coca tree also inside the farm

San Agustin life

San Agustin from the hostel roof top
San Agustin from the hostel roof top
 Canyon in Chakira (almost like the star) at 3 kms from the city
Canyon in Chakira (almost like the star) at 3 kms from the city
My healthly breakfast: Pitahaya, Maracuya, bread with honey and for sure coffee
My healthy breakfast: Pitahaya, Maracuya, bread with honey and for sure coffee

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