Quito, the nice Ecuador capital

From Panecillo hill with Guillaume


Main square in Quito
Main square in Quito

The historical city center of Quito was beautiful. It was clean and with a lot of colors. The nice weather probably helped. The center was neither crowded nor polluted.

View on the Panecillo hill
View on the Panecillo hill
Basílica del Voto Nacional
Basílica del Voto Nacional

Not only during the day but by night also, the city kept gorgeously. The only point was that the city was empty and everything closed rather early. We struggled to find a restaurant after 8:30pm.

Volcano Pichincha

At the top of Quito with the cable car
At the top of Quito with the cable car

We took the Quito cable car at the West side of the city. It took us from 2800 meters to 4000 meters in a 20 minutes journey. From there, we enjoyed the city view and started a trek.

Going to the Rucu Peak
Going to the Rucu Peak

Initially, we wanted to climb the Pichincha Volcano with its 4780 meters high. However, it was too far away. Around 12 kms one way, knowing we had to climb another hill before. As a backup plan, we selected the Rucu peak. Located on the way to the Pichincha volcano, this 4680 meters high peak was a good alternative.

With our friend during a break
With our friend during a break
We made it, at 4689 meters
We made it, at 4689 meters

The last part of the climbing was steeper. At 4500 meters high, I felt that breathing was harder. Not only this, the many rocks made it tougher. After this ultimate effort, we enjoyed a wonderful view on both sides. One over Quito, another one over the Pichincha volcano.

View over the Pichincha Volcano
View over the Pichincha Volcano
Quito from the Rucu peak
Quito from the Rucu peak

Going out with Esther

At Plaza Foch
At Plaza Foch with Esther and Guillaume

We also met Esther, an Ecuadorian girl. Actually, she is the sister of the spouse of my internship mentor in my last apprenticeship. The meet was a nice experience. We visited part of the city together, danced salsa and discovered Plaza Foch the main neighborhood for having a drink. Moreover, her nice knowledge about the Ecuador way of living was interesting.

A band in live at Salsoteca Lavoe
A band playing at Salsoteca Lavoe

We first met at the Salsoteca Lavoe. Guillaume and I forgot our passport at the hostel. As it was impossible to enter, we had to do a round trip to the hostel to get them. Finally, we could dance. At this place, they danced mainly Cuban style. A style I was still learning since I danced L.A. style.

Back to boulder

I also used again my climbing shoes I was carrying in my backpack. Surprisingly, I wasn’t that bad after a so long break. Only my muscles were not ready.


I discovered a nice milkshake at the bar: Oats milk with Spinach, Strawberry, Banana and Peanuts butter. Delicious!

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