Puerto Lopez: Now I am a diver that saw the whales

Open Water done!

Diving: Open Water Certified

My first reason to go to Puerto Lopez was to do a diving certificate. Since I tried the dive last year in Indonesia, I felt in love. From the beginning, it is one of my traveling goals.

I found a nice agency hold by a French couple. The course took 3 days. The first day, I watched the instructive videos and practiced in a swimming pool. The second and third day, I did the exercises again but in the ocean. I also practiced in order to be more relaxed, move in a better way and save oxygen. Finally, I took an examination for proving my knowledge.

From the boat
From the boat

That’s it, now I am an Open Water diver. It means that I can go until 18 meters under the sea level.

The whales

One of the day, the agency was closed. For avoiding doing nothing, I booked a tour to watch the whales. Between June and September, the whales are present close to the coast. They are migrating here for mating.

I watched them during around 1 hour. Finally, up to 3 whales were around the boats. They were jumping, rolling and hit the sea with their tail.

Whales near the boat

Whales jumping

Whales rolling

Puerto Lopez

The harbor

The coast at Puerto Lopez
The coast at Puerto Lopez

The seafood

Seafood in Puerto Lopez
Seafood in Puerto Lopez

The food was amazing in the town. I tasted shrimps, octopus, fish, mussels and scampi.

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