
Gate in Cuenca

A quiet city rather simple

Drawing on a wall
Drawing on a wall

The city is not very beautiful. Except this drawing and the gate, there is nothing else worth to see. Also, the city was really quiet. After 8:30pm, already a lot of restaurants closed. And after 10pm, almost no one left in the street.

Surrounded by vegetation

Hopefully, the city is surrounded by many places to visit. First, the national park Podocarpus. An entrance is located 20 mins from Loja or close to another town Zamora at 1h30 from Loja. Nevertheless, the bad weather prevented me from visiting it.

View of Cuenca from the top of the gate
View of Cuenca from the top of the gate

Another plan was to go to Vilcabamba. A smaller and quieter city famous for the lifespan of the people: more than 100 years. I went there as the weather forecast was more optimist and there was a mountain to climb. Again, when I arrived the weather was bad and I had to cancel my walk.

My alternative plan

As all my plans for visiting around Loja failed, I did a more relaxing stay.

Discovering the food

Spit-roasted guinea pig
Spit-roasted guinea pig
  • Guinea pig: quite common to eat them here
Bolon de verde & Horchata
Bolon de Verde & Horchata
  •  Bolon de Verde: a ball made of bananas, cheese and butter.
  • Horchata: a clear red infusion of 18 herbs

Writing my blog

As I was a bit late, I took a lot of time for writing my blog. Around 10 articles in 4 days… I met again my working habits, I enjoyed a strong and amazing coffee many times a day.

Amazing coffee
Amazing coffee

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