A hike to the Aconcagua, the highest mountain in South America

A high mountain with snow in gthe background, and smaller ones closer to the foreground.

After crossing the Andes a first time during my way from Santiago to Mendoza, I decided to come back to the Andes. At an altitude of 3000 meters, a trek starts to the first base camp on the way to the Aconcagua. Aconcagua is the highest mountain in South America with 6 962 meters high.

A hike to the Aconcagua

A tour around the lake

After entering the park, you arrive in a small area with a beautiful lake. TheĀ unforgettable blue-greenĀ color reminded me the beauty of Patagonia nature. The loop, around it, is about 40 minutes.

A green-blue lake with mountains
The lake with the gorgeous colors

At the further point, you have a beautiful point of view to the Aconcagua (Cover picture of the article).

The Trek to Confluencia

If you are looking for more adventure, you probably have to continue to the first base camp. The base camp located 8 kms further on and surrounded by gorgeous landscapes.

For going further the bridge on this trek, you need to pay a more expensive entrance. Control are done at the entrance and at the base camp.

The Aconcagua behind the trail
The Aconcagua is getting bigger

I spent the day with an American I met in my hostel. With a good condition, he was pushing us forward. We did the 8kms in 2 hours. During the steepest part of the trek, I remembered suddenly that I was at an altitude of 3kms. Oxygen was missing and I was breathing like if I was running.

A small river along the trek to hike the Aconcagua
A small river

Fortunately, the weather was especially gorgeous a blue sky and a splendid sun. During all the morning, the Aconcagua peak was completely clear.

The base camp Confluencia

A signal saying Confluencia with tents behind
Welcome to Confluencia base camp

Once we arrived at the base camp, we went to the guard office to register. At the base camp, you have a toilet and a point of water. Next, we continued on a small hill close the camp. The top of this hill is the perfect point for enjoying the landscapes around you. Meanwhile, we ate our sandwiches there.

The base camp with tents
Confluencia base camp from the hill

The final view surrounded you on the top of a small hill close to the camp is worth doing the trip. However, you haven’t a good view on the Aconcagua from the base camp. So, I recommend you to enjoy the view before!

Me in front of a huge mountain
View from the hill
The gorgeous mountains
The gorgeous mountains

On the way back

Way back from the hike of the Aconcagua
On the way back

After 1 hour at the camp, we went back with new friends met during lunch. As we were speaking more, we surprisingly did the return in a longer time: 2h20.

At the beginning, we planned to go back to the city close to the park Entrance. It is possible to follow train tracks that lead to the town while crossing the Inca bridge. A natural bridge that is a classical tourist attraction. From the town, the bus leaves a bit later 16h55.

Organize the journey

The checklist

A mule
A mule, the classical means of transport here

A list of things not to forget since it is a full day journey. On top of that, whereas the temperature is fine, the sun is powerful.

  • Take sun cream and water
  • Bring food
  • Need cash as neither the bus company and the entrance accept credit card
  • Check the weather, it would be sad to miss the beauty of the place due to the weather
  • Passport if you want to go to Confluencia

Getting from Mendoza

A road between mountains
The road in the Andes

The bus company that takes you to the entrance park is called Butini. They have an office in Mendoza bus terminal. The round trip to the Aconcagua park cost 180AR$. For a complete day there, the departure in the morning is at 6am at the return is at 4:30pm in front of the park. The bus journey last 4 hours. Although a lot, you can sleep well.

Information about the park

A big sign saying Parque Aconcagua
Entrance of the Park Aconcagua

Entrance fees

  • 20AR$: Small tour around the lake
  • 300AR$: One day trek to the base camp Confluencia ( You also need your passport )


You have a toilet at the entrance building of the park and at the Confluencia base camp. As regards to water, you have a bathroom at the entrance and a point of drinkable water 1km after the entrance and at the base camp.

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