One day in Valparaiso & Viña del Mar

A corner street with graffiti.

I arrived at 8 in the morning in Santiago from Pucon. My friend took me from the terminal and we went to his home. Just the time to change me and ate a breakfast. Next, we took the car directly to Valparaiso. After one hour of driving in a dry landscape, we reached the city.


Walk in the city

The first part of the walk was to take an elevator called Ascensor Reina Victoria. This elevator takes you to the top of the hill.

Two small elevators
Small elevator for going up to the hill

From the top, you can enjoy a view of the city and the sea. The houses are colorful and the streets cover with graffiti. All the houses are gathered one over the other.

View of the city of Valparaiso.
View after the elevator

The Street Art

A great particularity of Valparaiso is the number of graffiti. Each street, each corner, each house is covered by a graffiti. This creates a nice atmosphere and transforms the city into a work of art.

Graffiti on a house representing the sea with boats.
The street art in Valparaiso

The graffiti are a mixed between reality and myths. It lets the artist expresses himself.

Graffiti representing a girl with a bird under the sea.
Another Street Art

Where to eat

My friend took me to a restaurant called J Cruz Malbrán for lunch. It is lost in a small street but the atmosphere is really typical. The wall is covered with identity pictures of the customers that came.

I recommend taking a Chorrillana and a Terremoto. Chorrillana is a meal with french fries, meat, eggs and fried onions that you shared altogether. Whereas the Terremoto is a drink made of Pipeño (a type of sweet fermented wine) with pineapple ice-cream and grenadine syrup.

Viña del Mar


The sea and the beach in the froground and the city in the background.
The beach in Viña del Mar

Whereas Santiago, in Viña del Mar you can easily access to the beach. The city is next to it. The waves could be very strong. Last time, they pushed us so strongly that we couldn’t keep standing.

Two dancers and musicians performaing drums
Two Chinchineros performing on the beach

Those two guys are called Chinchineros. They are playing drums on the back and cymbal with the foot. While playing, they are also dancing. Here, they performed on the beach in Viña del Mar. Looking to a show is very entertaining. You will find them easily just by staying on the beach close to the group of tourists.

Walking along the Ramblas

The coast also provides a nice walk when the sun is less strong. Moreover, the walk is animated by the breaking sound of the waves.

The coast with on the left the sea and on the right the road..
The road along the sea in Viña del Mar.

Flower Clock

A giant clock on the floor made with flowers.
The so famous Reloj De Flores

This giant flower clock called Reloj De Flores in Spanish is the main attraction in Viña del Mar. All the local tourists love to take a picture there. So, as I wanted to be local, I did my picture!

Be careful during the summer. Since the weather is really hot and dry, fire starts easily. If usually the fire are in the countryside, it can reach the city. Valparaiso was on fire just after New Year 2016. As a result, many houses were damaged.

My friend Yerko and me !
My friend Yerko and me!

After a good day like this, it is time to go back to Santiago and continue enjoying. Here my list of what to do in Santiago.



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