Classes and Milongas for dancing tango in Mendoza

A couple of dancer doing a tango performance

After almost 2 months of traveling far from the Milongas, I decided to start again tango. In this article, I present the classes and the Milongas where I have been in Mendoza.

Learning in good classes

Ana & Luis

The classes from Ana & Luis are on Monday and Thursday from 9pm to 11pm. When I left Mendoza, they changed the place for the class. Thus, it is better to go on the website for checking.

Two people dancing Tango
The class by Ana & Luis

I loved this class as Ana & Luis are really careful about giving you great advice. They corrected me very well after my 2 months break.

Charli & Flor

Charli & Flor also do two classes per week in ZonaTango in Peru 1779. One on Wednesday and the other one on Friday. The classes are divided into two levels:  beginner at 8pm and more advanced at 9:30pm. After the classes, the Milonga starts at 11pm.

A dance room with a mirror and paintings on the wall
The classroom of Charli & Flor with a mirror

The beginner class teaches the basic of the walking in Tango and small steps. Whereas the other class focuses on sequences with advanced steps.

Andrea Laucieri y Lucas Galera are another couple that provide classes in Mendoza. However, there were in vacation until March.

Dancing in Milongas

My discoveries


Dancing tango in Mendoza at Pipistrela
Dancing tango in Pipistrela

The Milonga Pipistrela is every Thursday at San Juan 165. At 9:30pm for the class and 11pm for the Milonga. Not only the dance-floor was good, but there was a nice dance performance as well (See the cover picture).

Charli & Flor Milonga

A dancefloor where people dances Tango
Dancing tango in Zonatango

The Milonga starts after the classes I presented before. It is often less crowded than other Milonga. However, the atmosphere is nice and familiar. The reason it that more or less every body know each other. On top of that, they are very friendly with new people.

Balcón de Tango

Dancing tango in Mendoza in an open air milonga
Sunday open air Milonga

The first Milonga I saw when I reached Mendoza. I was looking for having dinner but I got both the tango and the dinner. The Milonga is from 9pm to 11pm every Sunday close to San Martin 2072. Although the ground is a bit tough for sliding, it was a great pleasure to dance there!

Plazoleta Vergar – Viernes de Tango

A square in the street where people dance tango.
An open air Milonga after a warm day

The second open air Milonga I did in Mendoza. As the Milonga is on Friday, you can dance until 1pm or 2pm. Until the end, the place was filled with people dancing. My personal experience told me that after an hot summer afternoon, dancing outside is wonderful.



  •  Martes de Milonga. Martes, a las 21.30 en La Interzona Bar (Yrigoyen 276, Godoy Cruz)


  • La Practilonga. Prácticas con Carlos Chacón. Miércoles y viernes, a las 23, en Estudio Zona Tango Mendoza (Perú 1779).


  • La Pipistrela. Jueves, a las  23,  García & García (San Juan 165).
  • Café VarArte – Ateneo de Tango Mendoza
  • Casino Mendoza


  • La Practilonga. Prácticas con Carlos Chacón. Miércoles y viernes, a las 23, en Estudio Zona Tango Mendoza (Perú 1779).
  • Viernes de Tango – Plazoleta Vergara


  • Milonga con Ana y Luis. 10pm, en Belgrano y Pedro Molina.
  • Milonga Vararte at 10pm and with a class before for beginner at 8:30pm with Charli Chacón y Julieta Cano (Chile 1230
  • Milonga La Jodida. 9pm, en teatro Leonardo Favio (frente a la plaza de Chacras).
  • Balcón de Tango ilumina la noche de la calle San Martín. De 21 a 23 se dictan clases y milonga gratuita
More Links

Article about the growing tango scene in Mendoza

List of events related to Tango in Mendoza

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