Cuenca & the Ingapirca ruin



A marvelous city

Church in Cuenca
Church in Cuenca

I really loved this city. Rather quiet and the city center was beautiful. At each corner, I found nice buildings.

View of Cuenca from the hostel
View of Cuenca from the hostel

My hostel was a bit away from the city center. However, a bit high, I could see the whole city where the churches dominated the whole.

Drawing in Cuenca
Drawing in Cuenca

Feria in Cuenca

A stand with sweets and candies
A stand with sweets and candies

During the weekend I was there, there was a special event. The main square in front of the cathedral was filled with stands that proposed candies and sweets. Moreover, there was dance and music performances and fireworks.

Let's pick some!
Let’s pick some!

At each stand, the seller gave you a basket. After you picked yourself what you want and you placed it inside the basket.

Some food

El cuencano
El cuencano

In a “Parilla” (barbecue) restaurant, I tried the meal “El cuencano”. It was composed of a sausage, a pork rib, mashed potatoes and white corns with two types of sauce.

Chicha de jora
Chicha de Jora

Chicha de Jora is a beverage made of fermented corn with water, sugar and spices. It is without alcohol.

Ingapirca ruin


Overview of the Ingapirca ruin
Overview of the Ingapirca ruin

I visited also the ruins of Ingapirca located two hours from Cuenca. Close to the ruins, there was a town called also Ingapirca. The ruins were rather simple compared to the Machu Picchu. However, the guide gave to the group interesting information. Moreover, there was a small trek around the ruins where I could see the whole region.

Me in front of the ruins and the landscapes
Me in front of the ruins and the landscapes

Ingapirca dance festival

On top of the visit of the ruins, there was a folkloric dance festival. All day long, many groups from the Andes performed. Probably, it helped for enjoying a lot more the day. Instead of staying 2 hours, I stayed at least 6 hours. I enjoyed a lot all those performances. Unfortunately, the weather changed at the end of the afternoon and I preferred to leave before the rain fell on me.

Dance performance
Dance performance
Dance performance
Dance performance
Dance performance
Dance performance
Dance performance
Dance performance
Dance performance
Dance performance
Dance performance
Dance performance

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