Capurgana the marvel of the Caribbean


The paradise

Capurgana town surrounded by beaches and jungle
Capurgana town surrounded by beaches and jungle

The city of Capurgana is located in a Colombia Golf close to the Panama border on the Caribbean side. The small town is only reachable by boat. It is like an island, prices are bigger and it is more difficult to find goods even fruits and vegetables. Still now, the area around is partly controlled by military groups. However, as a tourist, you have nothing to fear. People in the town are very nice. On top of that, Colombia is working hard to make the peace and develop the tourism.

The blue Caribbean sea
The blue Caribbean sea

Under the translucent water

Let's go diving
Let’s go diving

As I wanted to practice my diving skills, I took the opportunity to discover the Caribbean sea bed. I did two dives. My favorite one was the second one, in a place called “La Grieta” just around a rock in front of the town. I saw lots of fishes, a ray, a lobster and a crab. Definitely, the water was more beautiful and warmer than the one in Puerto Lopez in Ecuador.

Under the water
Under the water
A ray sliding on the ground
A ray sliding on the ground

In the jungle

The dense jungle
The dense jungle

I went also with my friend Guillaume to “El Cielo”. The place was located 45 mins from the town.  In this spot in the jungle, we enjoyed rivers, a waterfall and nice treks.

Doing a little canyoning course
Doing a little canyoning course

One Reply to “Capurgana the marvel of the Caribbean”

  1. coucou Eric, quelles plages de rêve ! Profites-en encore bien. bisous

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