Beaches in Uruguay: Punta del Diablo and Cabo Polonio

On the truck going to Cabo Polonio

Punta del Diablo

I did a small break at Punta del Diablo, a small town near the sea.

Sunset on a beach
Sunset on a beach

The beaches are beautiful and thanks to the end of the vacation quiet! A nearby park called Santa Tereza is worth the visit. At the North End, there is an impressive fortress. Unfortunately, it was closed the day I arrived… Else, the landscapes are not unique but the atmosphere in the park is calm and pleasant.

The fortress
The fortress

Last advice, there is an ATM in the center of Punta del diablo, but it is not mandatory that it will work. CB is generally accepted but sometimes with insane fees.
In my hostel, I still recommend for the atmosphere, it was up to 10% fee.

The typical landscape inside land
The typical landscape of land

Cabo Polonio

Cabo Polonio, welcome in the middle of nowhere
Cabo Polonio, welcome in the middle of nowhere

I also took one day for reaching Cabo Polonio. This small fishing town is away from everything. Not only smaller than Punta del Diablo, there is almost no electricity except some engines in a few houses. Due to the sea proximity, I tasted seafood in Empanadas… Incredible!

The lighthouse in Cabo Polonio
The lighthouse in Cabo Polonio

Close to the lighthouse, it is possible to watch the sea lions lying on the rocks.

My friends the sea lions, chilling!
My friends the sea lions, chilling!

Finally, just a picture of that huge truck that took us in the sand for reaching the town from the bus station. One advice, seat on the top, sensation guaranteed 🙂

This is an awesome truck
This is an awesome truck

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