
Gate in Cuenca

A quiet city rather simple The city is not very beautiful. Except this drawing and the gate, there is nothing else worth to see. Also, the city was really quiet. After 8:30pm, already a lot of restaurants closed. And after 10pm, almost no one left in the street. Surrounded by vegetation Hopefully, the city is […]

Puno: Uros and Taquile Islands

Houses in Taquile Island

Uros Islands Those islands are made of straw and reed. The community counts tens of islands where around 5 families live on each one. Those islands are located only 20 minutes from the city of Puno. The original indigenous doesn’t exist anymore, however, Peruvian people has continued the tradition. The explanations were interesting in order […]

Bolivian specialties


Some of my nice culinary experiments Food Charquekan Dried beef, salt cheese, egg and white corn. Pique macho A meal with pieces of beef, fried potatoes, onion, sausage, tomatoes, peppers, spicy peppers and egg. Aji de Fideo Meal with pasta, chopped beef, vegetables Picante de Lengua Beef tongue. The “Picante” is the type of way […]

Tupiza on red rocks

Red mountains around Tupiza

Arriving late I left Sucre in the morning, early. My first bus took me until Potosi, where I changed midday for another bus. This second and last bus drove me until Tupiza. The second bus is almost 2 times longer than the first one: 5 hours. Hopefully, the landscapes are really beautiful. This will be […]

Into the mines of Potosi

Potosi with the Cerro Rico at the back

Potosi is a high city around 4000 meters high overhung by the Cerro Rico. Cerro Rico is the 4500 meters high mountain that overtakes everything around. Inside stands the mine, previously renowned by the Spanish for the silver they extracted, now for the hard work it is. 3 hours inside the hell On the road […]