Good bye my journey, you were an incredible experience

I took part in a journey that sent me much further than I hoped. Now, my head is full of souvenirs, my heart is full of friendships. Yes a page has been written, but a page worth to be written.

A journey where I traveled…

Across all(most) South America

South America map with my itinerary
Click to discover my itinerary

8 Countries


Bus to Los Angeles
Bus to Los Angeles… In Chile
  • 15798 kms
  • 298 days on the road
  • 56 beds I slept in
  • 70 articles written

Amazing places

Man’s constructions

A journey, where I met…



A journey, where I discovered…



A journey, where I experienced…



View from the summit
Huyana Potosi: 6088 meters !!



Mountain bike


Wine tasting

A journey, where I learned…

A new language

Two guys talk, one says hello, the other one says hola

The first day in Buenos Aires I was not able to speak

1 month after, I spoke a little

3 months after, I am speaking with a Chilean family

5 months after, I went to Brazil with a correct Spanish level

6 months after, I arrived in Bolivia and discovered again Spanish

9 months after, In Cali I was able to speak fluently…

About myself

From Panecillo hill with Guillaume

Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.
— Pat Conroy

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