Caïpirinha workshop

Caipi star: Caipirinha with mandarin and star fruit

The workshop

Another activity I did in Florianopolis, making caipirinhas. It is not new, that I loved cocktails. I have a small bar in France, still waiting for me to practice.

Brazil is renowned for the cachaca and the famous cocktail: caipirinha. It is just: lemon, cachaca, sugar and ice. I decided to replace the lemon with many fruits I could find in the market.

The original caipirinha
The original caipirinha

One remark, I used honey instead of sugar. If it hard to mixed it in the cold cocktail, mixed it before with a bit of hot water in order to dilute it.

Let’s see the results.



Caipina: Caipirinha with pineapple
Caipina: Caipirinha with pineapple

Very good!


Caipiwi: Caipirinha with kiwi
Caipiwi: Caipirinha with kiwi

Also very good!

Caipi Star

Caipi star: Caipirinha with mandarin and star fruit
Caipi star: Caipirinha with mandarin and star fruit

The most original one !!

Caipi Mango

Caipi Mango: Caipirinha with mango
Caipi Mango: Caipirinha with mango

As everybody always asks, I will explain the reason of the broccoli. I was only cooking it ( I really like it ^^) and I wanted to put a counter color so … I added this green piece of broccoli on the top. Creativity has no limit.

Caipi Passion

Caipi Passion: Caipirinha with passion fruit
Caipi Passion: Caipirinha with passion fruit

Good, I loved passion fruit since I was in Florianopolis.


Caipigoyava: Caipirinha with guava
Caipigoyava: Caipirinha with guava

Good, however, the seeds are disturbing.


Caipasteque: Caipirinha with watermelon
Caipasteque: Caipirinha with watermelon

The most disappointing. Watermelon is usually really good raw but when mixed in cocktails, it loses its quality.

My main inspiration website with many tips:

Faire une caipirinha (French)


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